Type Price Each In Rs.
  Size>> 112 162 200 237 287 337
Standard 5460 7500 8520 9530 11430 14350
Double Output 6350 8520 10040 11810 12960 17280
Double Input 6480 8890 10160 12080 13350 17790
Double In/Out 6860 9150 10540 12200 13720 18040
With Motor Flange -- 9240 10610 12600 13970 18380
Hollow O/P Shaft -- 8400 9450 10500 12600 15230
Double Reduction -- 14350 15890 18430 20970 24640

Type Solid Foot Heavy Duty
  Size>> 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1200 1400 1700
U Standard 21250 28560 35870 45820 54460 98330 99620 155410 241740 438320
O standard 21910 29880 37190 47820 56450 -- 99620 155410 241740 --
Double Output 23250 31220 38520 49150 58440 82980 104940 162050 256360 462230
Double Input 24570 33210 41180 52470 62430 91610 118220 185290 280270 --
Double I/O Shaft 26570 35870 43170 54460 65090 94270 120880 188610 -- --
Double Reduction 33210 42500 53130 66410 82350 107590 132830 200570 305500 541930
Unit With RHB 36200 45260 53450 65520 75180 98700 122220 179550 304500 516600
Shaft Mounted 31500 43050 53550 68250 89250 -- 168000 273000 430500 --
Heli Worm Unit 30560 38520 49150 60440 73720 -- 157400 177990 286900 --
SLA Units -- 40320 52820 63000 88200 -- 147000 181340 -- --

Type Solid Foot Heavy Duty
  Size>> 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1200 1400 1700
Standard 23910 33210 41180 54460 66410 86190 123530 188610 297530 613650
Double Input 29220 39190 47820 60440 71730 98810 143450 219170 -- --
SDS 31220 41180 50470 66410 74380 110250 146110 219170 332060 688030
HDS 35200 47160 59100 73060 83690 120210 156730 237090 363540 750070
Motor Plate 7970 9170 12090 13280 14620 15940 17270 18060 19530 31220
Double Reduction 35200 46490 57120 71730 90320 120880 151420 231120 355970 710620
Cooling Tower 41180 54460 67730 85050 98280 -- 184640 286230 406460 830130
Shaft Mounted 31500 43050 53550 68250 89250 -- 168000 273000 430500 --

  1. Prices are Ex-Godown and subject to alteration if any at the time of delivery.

  2. Central Excise Duty , Local , Central Sales Tax or any other taxes if applicable will be charged extra ruling at the time of delivery.

  3. Prices are subject to change without notice.


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