Oil Immersed Non-Draw Out Type Bare Oil Circuit Breakers For Slipring Motors

"KEI" make type OCB triple pole non-draw out oil circuit breaker suitable for voltage upto 600 Volts, 50Hz, 3 Phase AC supply with triple pole totally enclosed free handle mechanism, Oil Circuit Breaker with 3 series connected magnetic type overload trips upto 200 Amps and thereafter C. T. operated calibrated from full load to twice the load, 3 adjustable time lags calibrated 0/20 seconds and without oil.

Sr. No. Normal Amps Basic Unit Rs. Cable Box Rs. Ammeter Rs. Voltmeter Rs. SMH Rs. DMH Rs. Pedestal Set Rs. Total Price With DMH Rs.
1 30 to 100 6900 1200 850 720 630 1080 1190 14640
2 101 to 200 11100 1200 850 720 630 1080 1190 16140
3 201 to 300 18640 3360 850 720 630 1080 1700 26350
4 301 to 400 19900 3360 850 720 630 1080 1700 27610
5 401 to 500 25500 3360 850 720 630 1080 1800 33310
6 501 to 600 26300 3360 850 720 630 1080 1800 34110
7 601 to 800 42900 5040 850 720 630 1080 2000 52590
8 801 to 1250 55450 5500 850 720 630 1080 2200 65800
  1. The price of the Ammeter includes Current Transformer also.
  2. SMH: Single Motor Housing     DMH: Double Motor Housing

Liquid Rotor & Oil Immersed Circuit Breaker Stator Starters For Slipring Motors

"KEI" make type Manually Operated SRS/L and Motorised Liquid Rotor Operated SRS/L/AUTO starters with stator control as circuit breaker upto 1200 HP for starting low tension slipring motor with rotor voltage not exceeding 1000 V. Generally confirms to BS/140/1957 complete with suitable stator control as mentioned above, i.e., LT oil circuit breaker duly fitted with 3 overload with time lag and the stator control is electrically interlocked with rotor controller. These starters are recommended for application in industries like steel rolling, cement mills, etc., where heavy duty operations are involved.

Sr. No. HP Type Amps Manual Rotor Starter Rs. Motorised Rotor Starter Rs. Ammeter Rs. Voltmeter Rs. SMH Rs. DMH Rs. Cable T. A. Rs. Total Price With DMH & Manual Rotor Rs.
1 150 to 225 SRS/L 10CB 300A 61900 86900 850 720 630 1080 3600 68150
2 226 to 300 SRS/L 10CB 400A 65100 90100 850 720 630 1080 3600 71350
3 301 to 450 SRS/L 10CB 600A 68800 93800 850 720 630 1080 4000 75450
4 451 to 600 SRS/L 10CB 800A 94100 119100 850 720 630 1080 4450 101200
5 601 to 800 SRS/L 10CB 1000A 106600 131600 850 720 630 1080 4450 113700
6 801 to 1000 Prices On Request
7 1001 to 1200 Prices On Request
  1. Liquid rotor and stator control for high tension motors and higher capacity and special duty can also be supplied on request.
  2. Additional shorting contactor can be provided at an extra cost on request.
  3. We can also supply the moving & fixed electrodes fabricated out of stainless steel at extra cost.
  4. The price of the ammeter includes current transformer also.
  5. We can also supply fully automatic liquid rotor with air break stator controller and the price will be quoted on request.
  6. Motorised liquid rotor will be mainly fitted with auxiliary motor with reduction gear unit, forward & reverse contractor, thermal overload protection for auxiliary motor etc.
  7. SMH: Single Motor Housing     DMH: Double Motor Housing

Liquid Resistance Rotor Unit Only For Slipring Motors

"KEI" make type SRL/R Manually Operated / Motorised Liquid Rotor unit is for low tension and high tension slipring motor with Rotor voltage not exceeding 1000 Volts. Starters generally confirm to BS:140/1957. The Liquid Rotor Starter will be provided with M. S. fixed and moving electrodes system. M. S. electrolyte tank, mechanism box, cable box with epoxy painted, shower type shorting contacts to short circuit the slipring of the motor when motor attains full speed. Interlocking arrangements for stator & rotor so that the main motor cannot be started unless the resistance is full-in-position. (Supply of the stator is not in the scope with the above said specification).

Sr. No. HP Type Manual Rotor Starter Rs. Motorised Rotor Starter Rs.
1 150 to 300 SLR/R1 41900 66900
2 301 to 450 SLR/R2 44750 69750
3 451 to 600 SLR/R3 49800 74800
4 601 to 800 SLR/R4 51900 76900
5 801 to 1000 SLR/R5 60960 85960
6 1001 to 1200 SLR/R6 67160 92160
7 1201 to 1500 SLR/R7 71480 96480


  1. Prices for higher and special duty liquid rotor starters can be offered on request.

  2. Additional shorting contactor can be provided at an extra cost on request.

  3. We can also supply the moving & fixed electrodes fabricated out of stainless steel at extra cost.

  4. Motorised liquid rotor will be mainly fitted with auxiliary motor with reduction gear unit, forward & reverse contactor, thermal overload protection for auxiliary motor etc.

Fully Automatic Air Break Stator With Oil Immersed Motorised Rotor For Slipring Motors

"KEI" make type SR/AUTO fully automatic push button operated floor mounting, free standing, dust & vermin proof sheet metal enclosure Air Break Stator with oil immersed automatic Rotor unit having motor & gearwheel on the top for forward and reverse movement of the Rotor for slipring motor suitable for 400/440 Volts, ± 6%, 3 phase, 60Hz.

The Starter is mainly fitted with:

  • 1 No. - Air break power contactor of suitable rating.

  • 1 No. - Auxiliary contactor for control circuit.

  • 3 Nos. - Current transformer of suitable rating for overload protection and metering.

  • 1 No. - Thermal overload relay.

  • 1 No. - Earth fault relay for earth fault protection.

  • 1 Set - Indicating lamps for motor Start, Stop and 3 phase incoming supply (1 No.) ON delay timer 0-60 seconds.

  • 1 Set - ON/OFF push button.

  • 1 No. - Electronic phase sequence relay / single phase preventor.

  • 3 Nos. - HRC fuse fittings for control circuit.

  • 1 No. - 96 mm2 voltmeter of suitable scale with selector switch.

  • 1 No. - 96 mm2 ammeter of suitable scale with selector switch.

Rotor is fitted with auxiliary motor and controls for automatic resistance cut off in 5 steps in 20 seconds time duration with all necessary interlocks.

Sr. No. HP Type Automatic Stator Rs. Automatic Rotor Rs. Total Price Rs.
1 up to 50 SR/AUTO 39700 20320 60020
2 50 to 75 SR/AUTO 43490 20320 63810
3 76 to 100 SR/AUTO 48650 23320 71970
4 101 to1 25 SR/AUTO 55400 26750 82150
5 126 to 150 SR/AUTO 61210 26750 87960
6 151 to 175 SR/AUTO 65750 29820 95570
7 176 to 200 SR/AUTO 71160 29820 100980
8 201 to 225 SR/AUTO 73200 34500 107700
9 226 to 250 SR/AUTO 75600 34500 110100
10 251 to 300 SR/AUTO 81135 40720 121855
11 301 to 400 SR/AUTO 119200 48700 167900


  1. For higher rating motors above 400HP, the prices will be provided on request.

  2. The starters are suitable for 2 starts per hour equally time spread and for 100% starting torque.

  3. For any other parameters a specific design starter can be supplied and the prices will be provided on request.

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